a couple billion heartbeats
to learn how to be human
My work falls into three buckets:
anthro-cartography (mapping a human life)
amphibian faith (exploring the dynamics of faith)
creative accomplice (collaborating in/producing creative processes)
My work starts with curiosity around the unique footprint and story of your life, your work, and where you/your team find yourself, and then takes shape informed by a variety of models and frameworks all of which might apply to your project. The roles I take on land somewhere between consultant, writer/editor, and producer depending on the project.
No one likes to be jammed into a cookie cutter, so every project involves a unique course we’ll chart together.
Types of projects I love:
working with individuals and teams on meaning maps, personal wiring, collaborative processes, role clarity, etc.
accompanying those isolated in their work (solopreneurs, leaders, side hustlers, small org do-it-all’ers, etc.) to brainstorm, imagine, and co-create
jumping into creative processes (particularly at the early stages or in the middle-ish “stuck” stages of a project), exploring a wide range of possibilities and narrowing next steps
producing on projects to push from whiteboards/creative decks to finished work
creating and curating formative experiences in spaces of human development, faith/spirituality and neighborhood-rooted peace and justice.

let’s connect!
I’d love to hear more about:
the projects you’re exploring
what you’re curious about
potential collaborative work.