mapping a human life

Our lives are webs of wirings, events, decisions, and relationships.

It's easy to get lost in the swirl and noise of your own life.

With a lens of curiosity, I love to explore & map out the complexities of life - where you've been, where you're going - to find meaning, clarity, and a way forward.

  • Life holds the potential for a beautiful journey but we often get stuck - in a season, at a crossroads, or in a foggy complexity. Too few of us hold a cohesive and comprehensive map of where we’ve been and how we’ve arrived at our current crossroads.

    The Anthro-Cartography Visual Mapping process is guided, reflective, and tactile, designed to help you see where you’ve come from, where you’re at, and where you may be headed next.

    The process results in a unique artifact visualizing your season of life.

  • Understanding yourself - how you’re wired, how you show up in relationships, why you love to do what you love to do - is a lifelong journey.

    I work with a blend of the enneagram (how you’re wired internally toward others), Working Genius (how you’re wired for collaborative work), and spiral dynamics (how you’re wired in relationship to the communities you are part of and encompassed by).

    [Right now, I am working specifically with The Table Group’s Working Genius model and booking individual launch points and team-based collaboration sessions using this model.

    The Working Genius was particularly helpful for me as I navigated the last few years of work and transition. I like it so much that I became a Certified Working Genius Facilitator and now work to help individuals and teams get unstuck, clarify handoffs in collaborative processes, and find joy in work.]